সহজে tense শিখুন। (Learn tenses easily.)

Tense Kv‡K e‡j?
DËi: †Kv‡bv Kvh© msNwVZ nIqvi mgq‡K Tense e‡j|
Bs‡iwR fvlv †kLv I †jLvi †ÿ‡Î Tense Gi ¸iæZ¡ Acwimxg ZvB Tense †K Bs‡iwR fvlvi cÖvY (soul of English language)ejv nq|
                 Tense    cÖavbZ wZb cÖKvi
1.       Present  Tense (eZ©gvb Kvj)
2.      Past Tense (AZxZ Kvj)
3.      Future Tense (fwel¨vr Kvj)

1. Present Tense (eZ©gvb Kvj) †Kvb KvR eZ©gv‡b nq ev n‡”Q Gi~c †evSv‡j Zv‡K Present Tense eZ©gvb Kvj e‡j| †hgb : Avwg ¯‹y‡j hvq| I go to school. †m ¯‹z‡j hv‡”Q| He is going  to school.

  2. Past  Tense (AZxZ Kvj) †Kvb KvR AZxZ Kv‡j m¤úbœ n‡qwQj ev nw”Qj Gi~c †evSv‡j Zv‡K  Past Tense (AZxZ Kvj) e‡j| †hgb : Avwg ¯‹y‡j hvB‡ZwQjvg| I was going to school. †m ¯‹z‡j hvw”Qj| He was going to school. 

 3.  Future Tense (fwel¨vr Kvj) †Kvb KvR fwel¨vr Kv‡j m¤úbœ n‡e ev nB‡Z _vwK‡e Gi~c †evSv‡j Zv‡K Future Tense (fwel¨vr Kvj) e‡j| †hgb : Avwg ¯‹y‡j hvBe| I shall go to school . †m ¯‹z‡j hv&B‡Z _vwK‡e| He will be going to school.

cÖwZwU Tense †K Avevi Pvi fv‡M fvM Kiv n‡q‡Q †hgb:
Present tense
1.      Present indefinite tense/ simple present.
2.      Present continuous tense.
3.      Present perfect tense.
4.      Present perfect continuous tense                           
            Past tense
1.      Past indefinite tense/simple past.
2.      Past continuous tense.
3.      Past perfect tense.
4.      Past perfect continuous tense.
 Future tense
1.      Future indefinite tense.
2.      Future continuous tense.
3.      Future perfect tense.
4.      Future perfect continuous tense.
                                            Present tense
     1.   Present indefinite tense/ simple present tense
         ‡Kvb KvR eZ©gv‡b nq ev n‡q _v‡K Gi&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&~c †evSv‡j Zv‡K Present indefinite tense e‡j|
wPbevi Dcvq: evsjv wµqc‡`I †k‡l B, q,I BZ¨vw` _v‡‡K , †hgb: hvB,hvI, hvq, hvm, Kwi, Ki, K‡i, Kwim, c‡o, cwo, c‡o, cwom BZ¨vw`|
MVb cÖbvjx :-Affirmative:       sub + verb + obj  (sub hw`  3rd person singular number nq verb Gi ‡k‡l s ev es nq)
  Avwg fvZ LvB| I eat rice.  ‡m fvZ Lvq| He eats rice. 
Negative     :       sub + does not/do not + v1 + obj
                            ‡m Avg Lvq bv| He does not eat mango.
                             Avwg Kgjv LvB bv I do not eat orange
Interrogative  :    do /does +sub+ v1+obj?
                              Does he go to school?  Do I go to market rice?
Int + neg           :      does/do +sub+not+v1+obj?    Or,
                                Does he not go to school?   Don’t I swim in the river?
 Notes :  wPi¯Íb mZ¨, HwZnvwmK mZ¨, †cŠbtcywbK KvR, wee„wZ,AvbyfzwZ, wKQz kã¸PQ,AcwieZ©bxq Ae¯’v †evSv‡j  Present indefinite tense nq| m~h© c„w_exi Pvwiw`‡K †Nv‡i|The earth moves round the sun.
 ‡m cÖZ¨n GLv‡b Av‡m| He comes here every day.
Note: sometimes, always, daily, often, everyday, regularly, generally, occasionally, usually, normally, _vK‡j Present indefinite nq| 
2.  Present continuous tense
               ‡Kvb KvR eZ©gv‡b n‡PQ ev Pj‡Q&&&&&&&&&&Gi&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&~c †evSv‡j Zv‡K Present continuous tense e‡j|
 evsjv  wµqvi †k‡l †ZQ, †Z‡Q, ‡ZwQ, †Z‡Qb, ”Q, w”Q, †”Q, †”Qb _vwK‡j Present continuous tense nq|                                                                                         MVb cÖbvjx :-Affirmative:       sub+ am/is are + verb + ing + obj  
                                 Avwg ¯‹z‡j hvwPQ|   I am going to school. 
                               ‡m GKwU wPwV wjwL‡Z‡Q He is writing a letter.
Negative     :       sub+am not/is not/are not+verb+ing+obj
                          He is not reading book?  You are not flaying kite?
Interrogative:    am/is/are +sub+ verb+ing+obj?
                           Is he reading book? Are you flaying kite?
Int +neg           :     am/ is/ are +sub+not+verb+ing+obj?
                            Is he not reading book?  Are you not flaying kite?

Notes:  feel, hear, fear see, smell, desire, love, like, live, want wish, belong,
Possess, understand, know, believe, expect, remember GB verb ¸wj Present continuous tense bv n‡q Present indefinite nq| Avwg GKwU cvwL †`LwQ| I see a bird. Avwg Amy¯’ †eva KiwQ| I feel unwell.
Note: now, at the moment, nowadays.  _vK‡j Present continuous tense nq|
 ‡m GLb Nygv‡PQ| He is sleeping now.
wbKUeZx©  fwel¨vr eySv‡j A‡bK mgq  come & go verb Gi †ÿ‡Î fwel¨vr Kv‡ji cwie‡Z© present continuous tense nq| †hgb:  Zzwg wK AvR Avm‡e? Are you coming today?
                                           Avwg AvMvgxKvj XvKv hve| I am going to Dhaka tomorrow.
4.     Present perfect tense
            ‡Kvb KvR G&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B gvÎ †kl n‡q‡Q wKš‘ Zvi dj eZ©gvb Av‡QGi~c eySv‡j Present perfect tense nq| evsjv wµqvi †k‡l   qvQ,  qvwQ, qv‡Qb, ‡q‡Q , †q‡Q, †qQ, _vwK‡j  Present perfect tense nq|                                                                                                              MVb cÖbvjx :-Affirmative:       sub+ have/has+v3+obj.
                                         Avwg KvRwU KwiqvwQ| I have done the work.
                                    †m ¯‹z‡j wM‡q‡Q| he has gone to school
Negative     :       sub+have not/has not+v3+obj
Interrogative:    have/has +sub+ v3+obj?
Int+neg           :     have/has +sub+not+v3+obj?
Notes 1:  evsjv wµqvi †k‡l BqvQ, Bq‡Q _vKv m‡Ë¡  I hw` ev‡K¨ AZxZKv‡ji D‡jøL _v‡K Zvn‡j  Present      perfect tense n‡q  past indefinite tense nq|
                  ‡hgb: †m MZKvj ¯‹z‡j wM‡q‡Q| He went to school yesterday.
     Note 2: evsjv wµqvi †k‡ l wb, bvB _vK‡j Present perfect tense nq|                                                                                                 ‡hgb: Avwg fvZ LvBwb| I have not eaten rice. 
  Notes 3 :  ‡Kv‡bv sentence G just, just now, already, ever, never, so far, yet, lately, recently,    BZ¨vw`     adverb _vK‡j Present perfect tense nq|
                          ‡hgb: ‡m m‡e gvÎ GLv‡b G‡m‡Q He has just now come here.                                                         4.Present perfect continuous tense
‡Kvb KvR c~‡e© ïiæ n‡q  eZ©gv‡b Pj‡Q eySv‡j Present perfect continuous tense
 wPwbevi Dcvq:   †Kvb KvR awiqv, hver,e¨vcK, nB‡Z, †_‡K _vwK‡j  Present perfect continuous tense nq|  evsjv  wµqvi †k‡l †ZQ, †Z‡Q, ‡ZwQ, †Z‡Qb, ”Q, w”Q, †”Q, †”Qb Ges mg‡qe D‡jøL _vwK‡j Present perfect continuous tense nq|  A‡bK mgq Present perfect continuous tense D‡jøL _v‡K bv                                                                                              MVb cÖbvjx :-Affirmative:       sub+ have been/has been + verb + ing + since/ for  + obj .     
                  ‡m wZb N›Uv hver cwo‡Z‡Q| He has been reading for three hours.   
                                                             It  has been raining  since morning.
Negative     :       sub+have not/has not+ been+verb+ing+ since/for +obj
.                              He has been reading for three hours
Interrogative:    have/has +sub+been+ verb+ing+since/for+obj?
                            Has he not been reading for two hours?                                                                    .                            Has he been playing since 4 o’clock?
Int + neg           :     haven’t +sub+ been+ verb+ ing+ since/for +obj?
Past tense
1.      Past indefinite tense/simple past tense
                   ‡Kvb KvR AZxZ Kv‡j †kl n‡qwQj  Zvi dj Avi eZ©gv‡b ‡bBGi&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&~c †evSv‡j Zv‡K past indefinite tense e‡j|
evsjv wµqvi †k‡l  j, †j, jvg †jb, qvwQj,  qvwQ‡j, qvwQjvg, qvwQ‡jb, Z , †Z, Zvg, †Zb, _vwK‡j  Past indefinite tense nq|
MVb cÖbvjx:-Affirmative:       sub+v2+obj
                           Avwg fvZ †L‡qwQjvg|  He ate rice.
                          They went to school.
Negative     :       sub+did not+v1+obj
                             He did not play football.  I did not sleep at night.
Interrogative:    did +sub +v1+obj?
                                Did he go to school? Did you write a letter?
           Int + neg           :      Did+sub+not +v1 + obj   or, didn’t+sub+v1+obj?
                                         Did he not go to school?  Didn’t he swim in the pond?
2.     Past continuous tense
                   ‡Kvb KvR AZxZ Kv‡j †kl nw”Qj ev PjwQj Gi&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&~c †evSv‡j Zv‡K past continuous tense e‡j|
 evsjv  wµqvi †k‡l †ZwQj, †ZwQjvg, ‡ZwQ‡j, †ZwQ‡jb, w”Qj, w”Q‡jb,w”Qjvg _vwK‡j Past continuous tense nq|
         MVb cÖbvjx: - Affirmative:       sub+was/were+verbing+obj 
                          Zviv dzUej ‡Lwj‡ZwQj| they were playing football.
                                                                 He was reading book.                                        Negative     :       sub+was/were+ not+verb+ing+obj
                        They were not playing football.  He was not reading book.
Interrogative:    Was/were +sub verb+ing+obj?
                           Were they playing football? Was he not reading book?
           Int+neg           :      was/were+sub+not +verb+ing+ obj?
                                  Were they not playing football? Wasn’t he reading book ?
3.    Past perfect tense
AZxZKv‡j GKwU Kv‡Ri c~‡e© Avi GKwU KvR msNwVZ n‡qwQj  Gi&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&~c †evSv‡j Zv‡K past perfect tense e‡j|
     MVb cÖbvjx :-Affirmative:       sub+had+v3+obj. He had done the work
Negative     :       sub+had+ not+v3+obj
Interrogative  :    had +sub+v3+obj?
           Int+neg           :      had+sub+not +v3+ obj
         AZxZKv‡j GKwU Kv‡Ri c~‡e© Avi GKwU KvR msNwVZ n‡qwQj  Gi&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&~c †evSv‡j Zv‡K past perfect tense  e‡j|
           AZx‡Z `ywU KvR msMwVZ n‡j †h KvRwU Av‡M m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q †mwU Past perfect tense AciwU Past indefinite tense n‡e 
MVb cÖbvjx :-      sub+had+v3 +obj+before+sub+v2.  
The patient had died before the doctor came. 
 The patient died after doctor had come.
Before Gi c~‡e©  Past perfect nq after &&&&&&&&Gi c‡i  Past perfect  tense nq| wØZxq Ask Past indefinite tense  nq |

4.Past perfect continuous tense.
AZxZ Kv‡jGKwU KvR Avi¤¢ n‡q `xN© w`b a‡i PjwQjGiæc eySv‡j Past perfect continuous tense nq
                  | †Kvb KvR awiqv, hver, e¨vcK, nB‡Z, †_‡K | †Kvb KvR awiqv, hver, nB‡Z, †_‡K Ges evsjv  wµqvi †k‡l †ZwQj, †ZwQjvg, ‡ZwQ‡j, †ZwQ‡jb, w”Qj, w”Q‡jb,w”Qjvg Ges Gi mv‡_ mg‡qe D‡jøL _vwK‡j Past perfect continuous tense  nq|  A‡bK mgq Past perfect continuous tense D‡jøL _v‡K bv                                                                                             
          MVb cÖbvjx :-Affirmative:       sub+had been+verb+ing+since/for+obj
I had been reading fo two hours  .They had been playing since afternoon.
Negative     :       sub+had+ not+been+verb+ing+since/for+obj
They had not been playing since afternoon.
Interrogative  :    had +sub +been+verb+ing+since/for+obj?
Had I been reading fo two hours?
           Int+neg           :      hadn’t+sub+been+verb+ing+ obj ?
          Haden’t I been reading for two hours?
Future tense
1.Future   indefinite tense                                                                                                            evsjv wµqvi †k‡l  e, ev, †e , ‡eb, _vwK‡j  future indefinite tense nq|
              MVb cÖbvjx :- Affirmative:       sub+ shall/will+verb1+obj
                                           ‡m wd‡i Avm‡e| He will come back.  
                                  Avwg ¯‹z‡j hve| I shall go to school.
Negative     :       sub+shall not/will not+verb1+obj
                           He will not go to Dhaka. I shall sell my land.
Interrogative  :     shall/will+sub +verb1+obj?
                               Will he come back?  Shall I sell my pen?
              Int+neg :   shall/will+sub+not verbi+obj.?   Shall I not played football?  Will  he not come back?
Assume, be afraid, be feel, sure, believe, doubt, expect, hope, think, perhaps, possibly, probaly future indefinite  tense nq| GQvov AvenvIqvi c~e©vfvm, Le‡i‡I KvM‡Ri wkibvg, aviYv, Abygvb, BZ¨vw`‡Z future indefinite tense nq|
3.     Future  continuous tense
   MVb cÖbvjx :- evsjv wµqvi †k‡l  ‡Z _vwK‡e ,‡Z _vwK‡eb, ‡Z _vwKev,  ‡Z _vwKe ,_vwK‡j  future continuous tense nq|                                                                                           Affirmative:      sub+ shall be/will be+verb+ing+obj. They will be catching fish.
           Negative     :       sub+shall not be/will not be+verb+ing+obj
                       He will not be writing letter. They will not be playing game.
Interrogative  :     shall /will +sub+be verb+ing+obj?
                            Will  he be writing letter?  Will they be playing game?
 Int+neg           :      shall/will+sub+not be+verb+ing + obj.    Will he not be writing letter?   Will they not be playing game?
4.     Future  perfect tense  
     fwel¨v‡Z GKwU Kv‡Ri c~‡e© Avi GKwU KvR m¤úbœ n‡q _vK‡e Giƒc eySv‡j Future perfect  tense nq|
`ywU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ †hwU Av‡M _vK‡e †mwU  Future perfect tense  Ges ‡hwU c‡i n‡e †mwUi present indefinite tense ev  Future indefinite tense  nq|      
                  m~h© DVvi c~‡e©B Avgiv iIbv ne| We shall have started before the sun rises.
   MVb cÖbvjx :-Affirmative:       sub+ shall have/will have+v3+obj
Negative     :       sub+shall havenot /will have not +v3+obj
          Interrogative  :     shall have/will have+sub v3+obj    ?                                                                                                                                  .         Int+neg            :     shall have/will have+sub+not+v3 + obj?
    4.Future perfect continuous tense
fwel¨v‡Z GKwU Kv‡Ri c~‡e© Avi GKwU KvR n‡Z _vK‡e ev Pj‡Z _vK‡e Giƒc eySv‡j Future perfect  continuous tense nq|

 A_ev:      evsjv wµqvi †k‡l  ‡Z _vwK‡e ,‡Z _vwK‡eb, ‡Z _vwKev,  ‡Z _vwKe ,_vwK‡j Ges mg‡qe D‡jøL _vwK‡j future perfect continuous tense  nq|  A‡bK mgq future perfect continuous tense D‡jøL _v‡K bv   
              ‡hgb: †m Avmvi c~‡e© Avgiv A‡cÿv Ki‡Z _vKe|
                           We shall have been waiting before he comes
      fwel¨vr Kv‡j †Kvb KvR Avi¤¢ n‡q `xN© w`b a‡i Pj‡Z _vK‡eGiæc eySv‡j future perfect continuous tense  nq|
MVb cÖbvjx :- Affir:     sub+ shall have been/will have been+v+ing+since/for+obj.
Avwg `yB N›Uv a‡I eBwU co‡Z _vKe| I shall have been reading the book for two hours.
Neg      :sub+shallhave not been/will have not+been+verb+ing+since/for+obj
I shall have not been reading the book for two hours.
Interrogative  :  shall have /will have+been +sub +verb+ing+since/for+obj?
 Shall have I  been reading the book for two hours?
      Int+neg        :  shall have /will have+sub+not+ been+verb+ing + since/for+ obj ?
          Shall have I not been reading the book for two hours?

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